About us
MicroBioS AG is an independent veterinary microbiological diagnostic laboratory located in Switzerland. We are specialized in health monitoring analyses for animal facilities.
This includes the analysis of pathogens in different sample materials of several animal species, cell cultures, water and feed analyses, environmental samples, and others, by using diverse microbiological techniques.
Dr. med. vet. Sandra Bäckert
Managing Director
Dr. med. vet. Christina Simon
Member of the Management Board
Scientific Associate
Laboratory Team
Romana Tomka
Anne-Gaelle Frey
Estelle Stamm
Stefanie Mutter
Jeannette Plüss
The MicroBioS Team is composed of qualified and motivated veterinarians, molecular biologists and lab technicians in a good mixture to combine broad knowledge, long-year experience and new ideas and techniques. With our expertise we are able to provide a high-quality service for our customers.
Our vision: the delivery of reliable analytical results, competent support and the long-term confidence of our customers.
We are reliable in routine work, but also flexible and open for customer specific questions and projects.
We develop our own test protocols to provide the highest possible sensitivity in combination with high specificity. In order to achieve this, the fastest and cheapest solution is not always the best option.
We critically analyze our own methods and results and are checked regularly by external labs.
We are a local partner for our customers to ensure a personal and straightforward contact as well as a short transport distance.
We provide a customer-oriented service and are at the same time a good employer for our team. Only those who love their work, can do a good job.
This is our daily motivation for providing a high-quality service for our customers.
Company History
MicroBioS GmbH was founded in 1999 by Dr. Dr. Brunhilde Illgen-Wilcke and her husband Dipl.-Ing. Wilko Wilcke. It is an established and reliable partner in the field of microbiological analysis and health monitoring.
In 2019, the responsibilities were handed over to Dr. med. vet. Sandra Bäckert and
Dr. med. vet. Christina Simon for a successful transfer to the next generation.
In 2021, the company moved to a new location in Riehen / BS and the business form was changed to MicroBioS AG.
The management of MicroBioS is persued by Dr. Bäckert together with Dr. Simon. They will lead MicroBioS to the future, supported by an experienced team. Dr. Dr. Illgen-Wilcke will further be available for advice.
MicroBioS continues to work on the basis of state-of-the art research. It contributes to scientific research and continuously refines its own methods. The company maintains its well-established tradition of combining scientific competence with a high quality of work as the basis for an excellent service!
MicroBioS has established a broad network of partners from other labs or research facilities to share knowledge and expertise. Some of our partners are listed below:
BioDoc, Labor für biomedizinische Diagnostik, Hannover, Germany
Biolytix AG, Witterswil, Switzerland
Mabritec AG – Gesellschaft für massenbasierte rasche Identifikationstechnologien, Riehen, Switzerland
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Institut für Versuchstierkunde, Zentrales Tierlabor, Hannover, Germany
Mikrobiologische Diagnostik, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany
Praxis für Veterinärpathologie, Bad Krozingen, Germany
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Comparative Medicine, USA
MicroBioS AG
Lörracherstrasse 50
CH-4125 Riehen
Dr. med. vet. Sandra Bäckert
Dr. med. vet. Christina Simon
Veterinary Specialist in Laboratory Animal Science